Thursday, July 9, 2009

To Hell With You & out of sight, out of mind

I've never been afraid of puppies, r u kidding me? i love puppies. In fact i influenced my whole family into liking puppies. But since yesterday, i started doubting my affection. My mom brought this furkid home yesterday, she's helping my grandparents to take care of it, and the last time i met this strange little thing was at least half a year ago, or perhaps more, not sure...anyway this furkid is known to be friendly and active and it befriended every single human living that has ever been to my grandparent's house. So when my mom brought it home, i was thinking to myself, at least i had "something" to play with. When it first saw me, for the first 5 minutes, it was ok, wagging his tail and whatnot, then he suddenly barked at me, and not the friendly bark, it was loud and ferocious (well ferocious is a big word for a little thing like him), and it looked at me like i've just murdered his family right in front of his eyes, he took a few steps forward and a few backward, well if i would have kicked him, he would have been gone to the puppy heaven by now. And i was taken aback, i was wondering what was wrong with him, and this has been going on for 2 days now, he even bit me this morning while i was patting its head, i really can't figure out why. now i know i am not only a stranger to my family, i am a stranger to a puppy too :P. My sister started giving ridiculous reason, "your hair looks like lion and lion belongs to the feline family", and my brother, "could be your contact lenses because u r wearing green, maybe he doesn't like green", joker!!! This has got me wondering, the phrase "out of sight, out of mind" could be true.

"out of sight, out of mind"- the first time i heard this phrase, it was from my mom, i still remember we were talking about high school friends, how we close we used to be and when we graduated from high school, everybody had changed, even those who were closest. It got me into thinking, when you don't see a person all the time, does it mean your brains start erasing all the memories u share with this person bit by bit? i've seen too many examples of this, it leads to a further question, do we only care about the person that we see everyday?? no matter how close u were, no matter how much u've shared, what u've shared, when he no longer sees u everyday, he will get used to the impression that he does not need to see u at all, i know this is not true, i am just being extreme :D well damn exhausting, will continue tomorrow, ciao !!!

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